Friday, February 7

ANFA exco meeting halted!

By a Staff Reporter

The second meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee of All Nepal Football Association – ANFA has been halted.

As the Senior Vice President Bir Bahadur Khadka and other members refused to sign the attendance sheet, the meeting halted without entering in the agenda as informed by the Vice President of ANFA Dirgha Bahadur KC.

“We signed up for the attendance. But some of the members including the Senior Vice President refused. The meeting was about to commence without their signature but he did not agree to begin the meeting without every attendees signature. Then the president decided to halt the meeting.” KC informed.

The meeting that was scheduled to start at 7AM began an hour and half later this morning. Discussions on 17 agendas including the appointment of CEO, Deputy General Secretary, Spokesperson, NSL, Women SAFF, A Division League was to be taken into consideration in the meeting today.

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